Monday 12 June 2023

An Introductory Guide to Commercial Loan Imaging

Commercial lending represents a growth opportunity for many banks and credit unions. Whether your financial institution is completely new to the space or relatively experienced…

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Wednesday 7 June 2023

Enterprise Information Management (EIM) Solutions and their Role in Safeguarding Data Privacy at your Financial Institution

Data privacy remains a top priority for banking leaders across the globe and unfortunately, there isn’t a single solution or tactic that will stop a…

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Monday 5 June 2023

The Savings Boost: 3 Ways a Modernized Deposits Platform Cuts Costs in the Back Office

Are item processing operations costing financial institutions more than the revenue they generate? Many industry experts say yes. With check volumes decreasing, the cost to maintain…

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Wednesday 31 May 2023

4 Reasons an Enterprise Content and Information Management Strategy is an Investment in Growth for your Financial Institution

An emphasis on digital engagements is pushing financial institutions to take a step beyond simply acquiring data, but to utilize that intelligence and incorporate transformative…

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Thursday 25 May 2023

[Playbook] Enabling a “Decentralized” Strategy for Electronic Documents

Here’s the situation: Your commercial lenders feel overwhelmed by the amount of electronic documents that land in their inboxes each day. Financial statements, collateral documents…

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Tuesday 23 May 2023

Business Banking: Understanding Account Takeover Fraud and the Importance of Dual Control within your Digital Banking Platform

Corporate account takeover can be costly for an organization to repair, which is why it's crucial for banks and credit unions to rely on modern…

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Tuesday 16 May 2023

Which Cloud Deployment Model is Right for Your Financial Institution?

The American Bankers Association (ABA) estimates that more than 90% of financial institutions maintain at least some data, applications, or operations in the cloud today. If…

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Wednesday 10 May 2023

The Employee Side of Digital Banking: Administrative Tools You Need to Easily and Effectively Manage your Digital Banking Platform

Launching a new digital banking solution is exciting for banks and credit unions, but this isn’t the end of the journey, it’s just the beginning…

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Wednesday 19 April 2023

Cloud Banking: A Strategic Business Objective, Not an IT Project

Cloud adoption in the banking industry has proven tangible results for institutions of all sizes, showing positive growth in the adoption of hosted environments versus…

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